

Egyptian Social Democratic Party rejects The US President statement, calling for the displacement of Palestinians from Gaza strip to Egypt and Jordan

The Egyptian Social Democratic Party affirms its categorical rejection of the shocking statements of US President Donald Trump, calling for the displacement of Palestinians from the Gaza Strip to Egypt and Jordan, as the statements represent a flagrant violation of the concept of national sovereignty, which is one of the foundations of international law, as an important and fundamental pillar to ensure the survival and independence of states. It flouts UN resolutions that recognize the occupied State of Palestin

The forced displacement of Gaza's population is a crime against humanity, falling under the category of war crimes and genocide. According to the definition of international law and recognized international agreements.

The world, which has been silent about the crimes of genocide practiced by the occupation army, should not be silent today about the crime of forced displacement and exile advocated by President Trump.

The Egyptian Social Democratic Party calls on all honorable people of the world, international bodies and organizations, political parties and associations to declare a categorical rejection of what the US president is calling for.

This will lead to destabilization and change in the composition of the region, giving priority to the interests of the occupier over the most basic rights of the Palestinian people, which are recognized by UN resolutions.

Egypt has always been a major sponsor and supporter of the Palestinian cause, and cannot accept in any way projects aimed at liquidating the Palestinian cause.

The principle of displacement represents a direct threat to Egypt's national security. From this standpoint, we call on the Egyptian government to declare a clear and firm position rejecting these suspicious plans, and to work to strengthen coordination with the Palestinian National Authority to address displacement attempts. We also stress the importance of concerted popular and official efforts inside Egypt and communities abroad to defend and protect Egyptian national security, and that the state should take all means in this regard to prevent the liquidation of the Palestinian national cause and support the just rights of the Palestinian people, in the face of the global barbaric Zionist onslaught.

The Egyptian people never accept the threat or destabilization of their borders, or tampering with the Egyptian borders, and the alignment of the Egyptian people will be a lesson for anyone who tries to threaten their security and stability or force them to accept their decisions.

Finally, the Egyptian Social Democratic Party affirms that a just and comprehensive peace in the Middle East can be achieved by defusing wars, destruction and colonialism, ending the Israeli occupation and establishing an independent State of Palestine, with Al-Quds as its capital.

Issued by the Egyptian Social Democratic Party

Cairo 26/1/2025

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